Working dogs help on sheep farms or game reserves 工作犬可以牧羊,或在动物保护区里帮忙。
Johannesburg - pretoria - pilanesberg game reserve - sun city 太阳城提供赌场秀场高尔夫球场等娱乐。
Q : do i need advance reservation for hotels and parks game reserves entry 问:我需要预订饭店和公园/动物保护区的门票吗?
Game reserves parks 动物保护区和公园
A giraffe samples foliage in south africa ' s mala mala game reserve 南非的玛拉玛拉野生动物保护区里的一只长颈鹿正在品尝树叶。
Lions , a significant threat to young leopards , thrive in this part of the moremi game reserve 狮子的在附近地区的兴盛,已严重威胁到了这对花豹的生存。
While he was president , he created 51 national parks , four big - game refuges , and the first national game reserve 在他的总统任内,他兴建了51座国家公园、四座大型动物保护区及第一座国家动物保护区。
Etosha is a world - renowned game reserve ; it and the dune sea of the namib are namibia ' s two most famous attractions 伊托沙国家公园是全球知名的野生动物保护区,它与纳米比的漠海是纳米比亚最扬名国际的观光点。
Situated in the adjoining areas of the central kalahari game reserve , are marushele , sekusuwe and khankhe campsites . central kalahari game reserve 卡拉哈里中部动物保护区邻近地区分布着马鲁舍勒、塞库苏韦和坎科营地。
Offering the beauty of the wilderness , serenity and vast space , the game reserve is the ultimate for tourists with a mind for adventure 这个动物保护区充满了荒野之美,宁谧静寂,辽阔无际,是富有冒险精神的旅人的目的地。